One day I thought animation would be a great medium for portraying people and their stories. A friend of mine conceded it with one sentence: "I think everyone would like to have an animated film about them self!" However, adults very often feel embarrassed to tell their stories, but children do not have the slightest problem with it. Even the most ordinary day can be turned into unforgettable adventure for them, which they will willingly and exaggeratedly tell. My son is a lovely big talker, so like no one else, he should be the first person for whom I will make such a film. So here it is...
"Day at the beach" - a story of Nicky!
BTW: If you are interested in me making video similar to this for you or your child just let me know :)

Voice: Mikołaj Ciereszyński
Staring: Mikołaj Ciereszyński, Marianna Ciereszyńska, Piotr Ciereszyński
Design & animation: Piotr Ciereszyński
Music: Studio Kebon